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2 Liter SodaMeasure and Quantity

How Many Cans of Soda in a 2 Liter?

Knowing how many cans of soda in a 2 liter bottle can be helpful for various reasons, from party planning to managing your daily soda intake. Whether you’re stocking up for a big event or just curious about the volume differences, knowing this conversion can help you make more informed decisions. 

A 2 liter bottle of soda contains approximately 5.63 cans of soda. This calculation is based on the standard size of a soda can, which is 12 fluid ounces.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • 1 liter is equivalent to 33.8 fluid ounces.
  • 2 liters equals 67.6 fluid ounces.
  • A standard soda can holds 12 fluid ounces.

So, by dividing the total fluid ounces in a 2-liter bottle by the number of ounces in a can:

67.6 fluid ounces ÷ 12 fluid ounces per can ≈ 5.63 cans

This means a 2-liter bottle roughly equals 5 and a half cans of soda.

This article will explore soda measurements, provide practical examples of converting liters to cans, and delve into the health and environmental considerations associated with soda consumption.

Understanding Soda Measurements

What is a Liter?

A liter is a metric unit of volume commonly used to measure liquids. In the context of soda, liters are often used to describe the size of bottles, such as the standard 2-liter bottle, a popular choice for large gatherings or households. One liter is equivalent to 1,000 millilitres or approximately 33.8 fluid ounces.

Standard Sizes of Soda Cans

In the United States, the most common size of a soda can is 12 fluid ounces. This size is convenient for individual servings and is often sold in six, twelve, or more packs. Other sizes, such as 8-ounce mini cans or 16-ounce tall cans, are also available but are rare.

The Difference Between Fluid Ounces and Liters

Fluid ounces and liters are two different units of measurement for volume. Fluid ounces are typically used in the United States, while liters are more commonly used in many other countries. To convert between these two, it’s essential to know that one liter equals approximately 33.8 fluid ounces. This conversion is crucial for understanding how many soda cans are equivalent to a 2 liter bottle.

Converting Liters to Cans

How Many Fluid Ounces in a 2-Liter Bottle?

A 2-liter bottle contains 2,000 milliliters, equivalent to approximately 67.6 fluid ounces. This is a substantial amount of soda, making it a popular choice for sharing among a group of people.

How Many Fluid Ounces in a Standard Soda Can?

A standard soda can in the United States holds 12 fluid ounces. This is the size most people are familiar with and is the basis for our conversion calculations.

Step-by-Step Calculation of Soda Cans in a 2-Liter Bottle

To determine how many cans of soda are in a 2-liter bottle, you can follow a simple calculation:

  1. Determine the total fluid ounces in the 2-liter bottle:
    2 liters × 33.8 fluid ounces/liter = 67.6 fluid ounces.
  2. Divide the total fluid ounces by the fluid ounces per can:
    67.6 fluid ounces ÷ 12 fluid ounces/can ≈ 5.63 cans.

Example Calculation

A 2-liter bottle of soda contains approximately 67.6 fluid ounces. Dividing this by the 12 fluid ounces in a standard can, you find that a 2-liter bottle equals about 5.63 soda cans. This means that when you pour a 2-liter bottle into a glass, you will get about 5 and a half cans of soda.

Practical Uses of Conversion Knowledge

Party Planning: How Much Soda Do You Need?

When planning a party, knowing how many cans of soda are in a 2-liter bottle can help you decide how much to buy. For example, if you’re hosting 20 people and each person is likely to drink the equivalent of two cans of soda, you’ll need around 40 cans. With the conversion in mind, you could buy about 7 to 8 two-liter bottles, which would provide enough soda for everyone.

Buying Soda in Bulk: Understanding Quantity

If you’re buying soda in bulk for an event or simply to stock up, understanding the conversion between liters and cans can help you make cost-effective decisions. For instance, if a 2-liter bottle is on sale, you can quickly calculate how many cans it equates to and determine if it’s a better deal compared to buying individual cans.

Cooking and Mixing Drinks: Why Conversion Matters

When using soda in recipes or mixing drinks, you must know how much you have. If a recipe calls for a certain number of cans, but you only have a 2-liter bottle, the conversion allows you to measure the amount needed accurately without any guesswork.

Health Considerations

Comparing the Sugar Content: 2-Liter Bottles vs. Cans

Soda, whether in cans or bottles, contains significant amounts of sugar. The amount of sugar in a single 12-ounce can is typically around 39 grams. If you drink the entire 2-liter bottle, you consume roughly 5.63 times that amount, or about 220 grams of sugar. This is well above the recommended daily intake and something to be mindful of, especially if you’re managing your sugar consumption.

Understanding Caloric Intake: Managing Consumption Based on Container Size

A 12-ounce can of soda typically contains about 140 calories. Drinking an entire 2-liter bottle would equate to consuming nearly 800 calories. Understanding this can help you make healthier choices, particularly if you are trying to limit your caloric intake.

Soda Consumption Trends

Historical Overview of Soda Packaging and Preferences

Soda packaging has evolved significantly, with cans and bottles becoming popular at different times. Initially, glass bottles were the norm, but the convenience and affordability of cans eventually made them more popular. Today, cans and plastic bottles are widely used, with varying preferences depending on the context and region.

Current Consumption Trends: Bottles vs. Cans

In recent years, consumer preferences have shifted. Many people prefer the convenience of cans, especially for individual consumption, while others opt for 2-liter bottles when buying for a group or to save money. Understanding these trends can help retailers and consumers make more informed choices.

Environmental Impact: Bottles or Cans?

The environmental impact of soda packaging is an important consideration. Aluminium cans are generally easier to recycle than plastic bottles and have a lower carbon footprint when recycled properly. However, plastic bottles are often more convenient and have their recycling processes. Understanding these factors can help you make more environmentally friendly decisions when purchasing soda.


How many cans are in a 2-liter bottle of soda?

A 2-liter bottle of soda is equivalent to approximately 5.63 cans of soda, based on the standard 12-ounce can size.

Is it cheaper to buy soda in cans or bottles?

This depends on the pricing at the time of purchase. Generally, 2-liter bottles offer more soda per dollar, but sales and bulk buying can make cans more affordable.

How does carbonation compare between soda in cans and 2-liter bottles?

Soda in cans typically retains its carbonation longer than soda in a 2-liter bottle. This is because cans are sealed individually, while a 2-liter bottle loses carbonation every time it is opened.

How long does soda stay fresh in a 2-liter bottle versus a can?

An unopened 2-liter bottle or can of soda can stay fresh for several months. Once opened, a can should be consumed within a few hours, while a 2-liter bottle can last for a day or two if appropriately resealed.

What are the best practices for storing opened soda cans and 2-liter bottles?

Store opened cans in a cool, dry place to keep soda fresh and consume them within a few hours. For 2-liter bottles, tightly reseal the cap and store them in the refrigerator to preserve carbonation.

Can the same calculation be applied to other beverages like beer or juice?

Yes, the same conversion method can be applied to other beverages, provided you know the volume in fluid ounces of both the bottle and the can.


Understanding how many cans of soda are in a 2-liter bottle can be valuable for various reasons, from saving money to managing health and making environmentally conscious decisions. By knowing the conversion between litres and fluid ounces, you can better plan your purchases and consumption. Whether preparing for a party or simply curious, this knowledge can help you make more informed choices.

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Soda Bottle

A "2-liter soda" refers to a large bottle of carbonated soft drink, commonly sold in a 2-liter volume. This size is popular for parties, family gatherings, or any situation where a large quantity of soda is needed. Popular Brands: Many popular soft drink brands, such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, and Mountain Dew, are available in 2-liter bottles.

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